Get Answers for Your Health - Mind, Body and Soul

Are you trying to make sense of a health issue but aren't finding the answers you need?

Do you want to be more proactive in your health but are overwhelmed by all of the information?

Are you tired of the same old approaches that don't work for you?

I get it.

You want answers, and you want direction. 

But you don’t fit into a box, and no one seems to “get” you.

You don't feel heard or that your questions or concerns are being taken seriously.

So you find yourself wasting time and resources, wishing you had an easier way to know what will work for you.

Get Answers with Your Health Consult

That's because there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and you need someone who understands you from the inside out. 

I’ve been there. A shoulder injury ended my ability to practice ObGyn after 15 years, and since then I’ve studied many different ways of approaching health and healing - and learned what works and what doesn't.

What I’ve found is that there is no single approach that works for everyone or every time because we are each unique. We each have our own blueprint. 

The Types of Questions We Can Address in Your Consult

  • Am I doing the right things to be healthy - and how do I know they are working?
  • What do my labs really mean?
  • How do I make sense of all the information I am reading about my health issue to know what's right for me?
  • My doctor has recommended strategies that don't feel right to me. Can you help me find other options?
  • I've tried everything for my health issue but can't seem to feel good again. What am I missing?

In this laser-focused consult, I will answer your questions, help you understand how to uncover the what and why of your concerns, and what you need to move your health and life forward.

Schedule Your Consult

Guidance, Perspective and Direction


Some common health issues that I help women find better answers for are

  • depression
  • anxiety
  • fatigue
  • thyroid or hormonal issues
  • breast cancer
  • endometriosis
  • autoimmune disease

Using my unique perspective gained from decades of using different approaches including ObGyn, Mind-Body and Energy Medicine, Intuitive and Spiritual Coaching, Functional Medicine, Genomic Medicine, Human Design and Astrology, I’ll guide you in understanding what is going on for you at a deeper level.

We'll go beyond your symptoms so you’ll better understand the “why” that lies underneath them, and potential strategies for the next steps on your own health journey. 

All consultations are done virtually using Zoom.


  • 30-minute consult to discuss your questions and concerns.

  • Targeted research prior to and/or after your appointment.*
  • Opportunity to get insights and feedback on any labs or other information during your consultation.

  • Recommendations for next steps.

*I will share my findings and recommendations in a follow-up email. Additional research and follow-up services are available if needed.

PLEASE NOTE: I do not provide clinical services, including diagnosis or treatment.

Schedule Your Consult

The information provided through this website is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not providing medical or psychological advice, diagnosis or treatment, nor is it intended to or does it create a physician-patient relationship. Dr. Roberta Kline is a licensed physician in the State of New Mexico. Newsletter subscribers and website visitors are receiving general information about health concepts and services and should not act upon this information without seeking professional medical advice. All newsletter subscribers have joined through a request for information initiated by the subscriber with the opportunity to opt-out at any time. Testimonials shown on this website are real examples of client results and/or experience.